Ruppiner Rennsportgemeinschaft, well known for the organization of the Fontane Rallye carried out their first two races of Berlin-Brandenburg car clubslalom championship. Especially nice: the race took place on a part of the Rallye, using public streets which had to be closed especially for this competition. Challenging for the slalom drivers, who are used to drive on airfields or parking areas. Changing road conditions and missing space beside the track had to be faced. The location made some trespassers stop and get in touch with this sort of first steps in motorsports.
The Autoslalom Youngsters of ADAC Berlin-Brandenburg celebrated race seven and eight of the Berlin-Brandenburg championship in this event. Caused by the conditions of this narrow space some important skills had to be shown: driving with care and looking ahead as well as patiently. The experienced drivers of the clubslalom already showed up that penalties would be important during this race. Those trying to attack had to learn where the possibilities ended. So for the youngsters the track was even more challenging.
Philipp Walsdorf – again – managed to do a good job. Four stints without penalties and respectable times lead to position three in the morning and position two in the afternoon. With this results he finds himself on position two of the championship and may start to plan his travel to Hockenheim where the German finals will take place.
Already on September 23 and 24 the last two races of the Berlin-Brandenburg will take place on the Templin kart race track, where the final decision of the qualification for the finals will be found. The field of competitors is narrow and one can look forward to seeing two exciting races on a track that feels a bit like home for Philipp caused by his karting activities.